Our goal at NLC is to minister to the whole family... that means from the youngest child to the oldest adult. Below you'll get a glimpse at the programs & ministries offered at NLC throughout the year. We're very thankful for the work that's gone on before us & today we look forward to the future in which the Lord has prepared for us.

NOrthern Life Kids

Kids are an important part of our church here at NLC! It's our goal to accommodate the diverse needs of kids in a loving and caring environment. Children are dismissed after worship each Sunday morning. Children 0-2yrs can make use of our upstairs nursery with their parents. For children 2-JK & JK-Grade 4 we have a program downstairs in our kids church space. All kids are welcome & we look forward to meeting new kids!

Click Here for more NLC Kids info!


Northern Life Students meets on Wednesday's @ 7pm for our Jr. High Program (Gr. 5-8) and Thursday @ 7pm for our Sr. High Program (Gr. 8-12). Expect to play some wild games, meet new friends and experience real life faith through music, challenges, dynamic stories and passionate volunteer leaders.

Alpha Film Series

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question, and is designed to create conversation. Each Alpha session will start with food, include an engaging and inspiring video talk, and end with a discussion, giving people a chance to share thoughts and ideas about the talk without being corrected or judged. There's no pressure, no follow-up and no charge; just an open, informal, and honest space to explore and discuss life's big questions together.